All posts by RussWill

The Worst losses of 2021 (Happy New Year)

So, now that it’s over, what was the most painful loss in 2021?

The Loss Of:

  • Freedom of Speech
  • Right to assemble/protest
  • Sports (Assembling to root for a team)
  • Humor/Off-Color Jokes:
  • Notional Pride:
  • Race/Racial Pride:
  • Religious Freedom/Belief (Marriage, Porn, Gender, School …)
  • Travel, flights canceled, cruise lock-down


The ultimate goal to become; fulfilled, liberated, and free…

Seems 180deg from; purposed, prosperity, passions…

(Are there 5 “P’s” here?)

  • Everything changes
  • Everything is connected
  • Pay attention


In his 2016 book, Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari develops the concept of “data” being the all. That the movement of information is the force behind all. That datum have an impulse to propagate, much as life want’s to procreate, much because life is a vehicle for data.

He argues that the effective flow of data equals the measure of success of any species, civilization, business… organization… religion… ANYTHING.

He argues that can be (is?) a religion in itself. I suppose that a religious analogy:

  • Heaven: Eternal life in the data stream
    – facebook, twitter, social media.
  • Excommunicated: Account frozen
    – Punished for noncompliance.
  • Sainted: Glorified
    – Promoted in searches.
  • Hell: Completely deleted
    – Forever forgotten, Never existed.

What are we trying to do?
Simple sentence statements:
Improve/Increase data flow.

Why are we doing it?
The purpose of life is to attain everything.
Everything known is everything one.

Where do “I” fit in?
Say in a way that is portable.
“What can I do, that only I can do, that’s my part.
Critical role/skill/talent”.
Critical players.

Levels of complexity:
Growth creates complexity.
Complexity destroys clarity.
*** Require simplicity ***
Clarity is the MOST important.

Simple Vs Simplistic:
Simplistic = shallow and fast.
Complex = Deep and slow.
Simple = Deep and fast?

Judge the WHOLE story

Judge the WHOLE story… I grabbed this from a Church sermon at The Branch. It moved me by it’s compressed wisdom.

There is always more information available, ad infinitum, but at least avoid “snap decisions” using immediate influences. Sometimes a “Blink” thing can happen (Malcolm Gladwell), but more times NOT.


Tibetan – Authentic presences

I got this from the meditation class in Des Plains
“The Buddha walks into the office”…

Posit: An authentic presence attracts others as your state of being inspires themselves to become authentic.

– No

Determination! This attracts others, as they perceive it. Some see it as confidence, some as purpose, others as power, faith, mission…

This will drive some too help you (friend), and some to hurt/hinder you (enemy), but everyone present will react in some way, to the degree of their  care. All sentient beings float between wanting things to stay the same and wanting things to change.

Pressing People

Everyone (?) Thinks they have a personal interest in furnishing proofs of an offense and in arresting the guilty party.

A. Tocqueville

Laws are the children of customs.


Americans love their towns for the same reasons Highlanders love their mountains.

Because union with his fellows seems useful to him and he knows that this union is impossible without a regulating authority.

A very civilized society finds it hard to tolerate attempts at freedom in a local community; it is discussed by it’s numerous blunders and it’s apt to despair of success before the experiment is over.

The return to books

The problem begins with audiobooks, and ends with multimedia – with a short journey though movie deals in the middle.

  • Bibliotheca – In the beginning. If it was anything, it was written. On stone, clay, wood, paper… If the information was important, somebody somewhere would figure out some way to write it down.
  • Books: Eventually, some people began to enjoy reading. And then, of course, some people enjoyed having their work read. Q2
  • Audiobooks – Read me a book mommie 🙂 kills the connection with the author and replaced it with a connection to the orator. Mommie, show me the pictures.
  • Chapter Books: Adult books (no pix) for “smart kids”. Great for authors who wanted a tight connection to a reader. But when books started going to screen (and making big bucks) authors gave way to writers, and writers wrote screen plays to make max money.
  • Multimedia – Allows for printed text, but “black & white” can’t compete with star-spangled. And really, it shouldn’t even try.

If I am going to read a book, it needs to be obligatory. The only way I can have the experience is tough a dead-tree.

What NEEDS to be on paper?

Q1. Do PDF’s work/count?

Q2. Writers Vs. Authors?

Brain Work

  1. Study how, and what, you learn best.
  2. Repeat those behaviors that are health for your brain.
  3. And break those behaviors and habits that are not.
  4. Practice.

Leaning is about doing the work that *your* brain requires.

Lara Boyd

Song of myself

  1. People are more alike than they think.
  2. What people believe about themselves, or what they would like to believe, doesn’t vary much from person to person.
  3. Each person is convinced that he or she is unique.

Sheena Iyengar

Authentic People

The problem is the popular definition of the term “authentic” – which is NOT “original”, unique, true, or “special”. (you snowflake you)

Authentic is supposed to express:
Self-done, Self-made, Self-created, Self-origin-ed.

So being authentic is a degree of how close one’s character matches their personal ideal self/ego. What makes them happy is getting closer to who they (maybe think) want to be.

And there is the rub. The goal of ideal self, or ideal ego – what you want, and why you want it. In knowing “Who you Are”, is somewhere between “how you were made”, and “who you were meant to be”.



  1. You ARE what you HAVE.
  2. You ARE what you DO.
  3. You ARE what others SEE.

#1 Includes “teratorialism” and the urge to hold onto the parking space, or the table space, and even the left-turn space.

#2 Of course, is the “I’m a DOCTOR” thing, or lawyer, or movie star… whatever…

#3 Is about living up to (or down to) the expectations of others. And judging yourself accordingly.

Leading Vs Following

The REAL leaders are the people working toward a cause, ideal, a philosophy. They may attract fame, fortune and power – But that’s all secondary.

The faux leader, puppet, boss. Is driven completely by personal needs. Needs for greed, impress others, validate there existence, improve their environment… They may be supporting a real leader/idea, but their base driving force is personal gain.

The commoner is openly self-oriented and just surviving.

Pruning buds to conserve resources.

The sick and won’t get well people.

Add value to people “Every Day” ! ! !

Delegate weakness ? 😉

Who’s my Alpha-Dog?

A healthy degree of paranoia:
Your never as good as they paint you.
Your never as bad as they paint you.

Happy to be here – but ready to leave.

2nd Principle

We crave happiness. We evolved to survive, but we NEED to be happy.

  • Love
  • Peace
  • Safety
  • Comfort
  • Fun / play
  • Excitement

And more, all plug into HAPPINESS.

These are also the tools/weapons that we use again fear (of death).

1st Principle

We fear the unknown.

We fear death – All of us – Because NOBODY knows. KNOWS

There are degrees of ignorance, of self-delusion. And in your heart of hearts you can “know” … some dogma…

At the bitter end, it’s unknown, it’s fear…


One day you are going to lose everything you have.
Nothing will prepare you for that day.
Not faith… Not religion… Nothing.

If you are someone who has nothing to lose,
then your lesson is a much more difficult one.

(John Bergin)


Most people don’t want/need/desire *freedom* – They crave “equality”. They would prefer equality under oppression to inequality from freedom. (DeTocville)

Turning Souls

I’m growing an idea about people having already decided as to how they want to go when they die. I was of the idea that most (all) people waited until the end to desperatly reach out for Heaven. But I’m seeing that there are “some” people acting with evil intent, and trying in ernest to turn others away from seeking heaven (or God even).

   There is a definate hirarchy of “demons”. One vile/evil person, followed closely by a henchman, followed loosly by a looser – one without any real character.

   The demon is commited, he’s not turning back to good. The henchmen are invested, looking for the pay-off, they could back-out, but really can’t. They greed the pay-off.

   The looser? His way out? He needs to be let go. He’s caught in the wake of a huge ship, too weak to crest the waves. He’s doomed, unless the power of prayer can reach across the divide, and free him from the vortex of evil. ?  idunno

The grass is always greener…

   This is true, as when one looks​ over the fence they also look across the grass on the other side – seeing only the leaves of grass. When one looks down upon their own grass, they look along the leaves, seeing deep into the dirt and roots and thatch…

   Looking across another’s life, only the surface is noted. It all looks green and good and easy. All problems, on the surface, seem easy to solve.

   But when we into our own lives, our own problems, we see the tangled mess below the surface. Not so easy to solve.

J. Graff

Programming challenge

 Could I prove this with a Python project? It seams easy and fun, I have YEARS of winning number data that I could play random picks off of, but how do I calculate any winning picks? How could I know what the payouts were for any one winning ticket? A winner doesn’t get a fixed amount – they get a cut of the pot.
14 Days to Broke
What does all this mean to you? Well, say you’re a happy-go-lucky guy with $1,000 burning a hole in your pocket. You decide to “invest” this money in lottery tickets, and keep on reinvesting the proceeds of your bets to buy even more lottery tickets.How long do you think you could keep this game rolling? Let’s play:If you buy $1,000 worth of $1 lottery tickets on Day 1, then statistically speaking, the average lottery payout of 60% means you’ll have $600 left to spend on Day 2.Spend that $600 on Day 2, and by Day 3, you’re down to $360.

Keep going, and by Day 14, you will have (on average) just $0.78 left jingling in your pocket.

In other words, two weeks of playing the lottery has left you too broke to afford a single lottery ticket. You’ve gambled away nearly every cent you started with.